Wed, Feb 03
Riding the waves – is all about you: enjoying yourself, your strength, you broadening the access to your huge potential and using it for what you wish to create and have. With JUDITH DELOZIER & RUEDIGER FLEISCH Each Wednesday fromJan 6th - March 24th 2021

Time & Location
Feb 03, 2021, 9:00 AM PST – Apr 21, 2021, 11:30 AM PDT
About the Event
Check out our flyer for all the important information
Have you noticed that the waves behind the changes are fundamental? They disrupt old patterns on one hand side, yet openlong desired opportunities on the other hand side.
Our webinars comprise new energetic and Next Generation NLP tools and concepts allowing you to consciously manage your way the opening side. We focus on your
- Personal Growth in Passion and Balance
- Strengthening your Immune System - the physical mirror of who you are
- Entering a new integrated level and Influential Leadership and Co-Creation
Tools and concepts are drawn from successful applications in own practice, coaching and consulting projects in NGOs, Multinational Industries, Administration and community care health projects
Each webinar is 2,5 h long with German translation and you have access to recorded sessions as well as aFacebook –Group for participants only; 2 Q&A Sessions
Riding the waves – is all about you: enjoying yourself, your strength, you broadening the access to your huge potential and using it for what you wish to create and have.
Our goald for you are:
- More self awareness
- More ability to self calibrate or celebrate
- More self correcting
- More self motivation
To develop these capabilities allows us to be more aware of others, to calibrate the states of other, to sustain a quality inner game and correct if necessary and to hold and manage the states of others. All of these allow for more motivation as they serve as the very tools I need to deal with the self doubts and other interference that might occur. To achieve personal mastery self awareness and self correction are essential for learning.
Check out our flyer for all the important information
More specific and pointing more towards benefits: The energetic tools, concepts, templates, maps and systemic skills support you to address and unfold relevant layers of your consciousness. You can
- step out of the noise
- contain your energies in a grounded way
- enhance them in a most significant way
- open up for new opportunities which are flowing in quietly on the backside of the noisy disruptions in these days
- enter smoothly and with certainty into a more multidimensional coach state
- remove in ease layers of fear and stuff from your field what distracts or limits you
- become more masterful and effective in creating what you wish to create
- level up your skills to heal, lead and navigate, identifying your inner guidance system
- start to reconcile and reconnect the power of the feminine and the masculine energies
Can you see where this ride can carry YOU? Can you see how your projects and the larger purpose they are wrapped in can draw from that in terms of success, health and balanced having? In essence: YOU can be in service for yourself and others and feel supported by the waves in a surprising manner. We would love to have you on this ride. The crucial question, however, is: How do you decide?
In addition to the webinars there will be two Q&A live calls with Judith and Rudiger. There will also be a private facebook group opened for those who register for the webinar. We send out and invitation to this group. This space is set up for participants to bring in their learnings, if they wish; to inspire and support each other, holding and weaving a field of respect, appreciation, ease joy, and co-creation. This means in essence: There are phases in the webinars for focusing on you and for focusing on interacting with others – balanced with respect to the topic and the desired outcomes.
Do you have questions? Please check out quick Q&A below:
Q: If people cannot participate in the first chunk, can they skip the first and come into the second?
A: Of course, you will learn from each session a lot for you. However, the webinars build upon each other and allow for you to integrate and expand your observations, your choices and your actions incrementally, subsequently and thus significantly. If you wish to compare it: In order to ride the high waves, it´s recommended to become familiar with the new equipment you are recreating and using. That´s why we offer to register for the entire 12 webinars and to use the recordings in the library to join this path and stay on track in your own speed and at times which are really convenient for you.
Q:Who is Ruediger Fleisch?
A:Ruediger owns the copmany Plus-Ultra-Global in Germany here his webiste: and for all info about this webinar in German, please click here
Q: Is the webinar interactive?
A:This is a very important question. Many of us have willingness and an inner desire to take care of others, to contribute to the community and to see new aspects emerging from a benevolent and qualified interaction. There will definitely be phases where you can exchange with your fellow participants, exchange what you have experienced and inspire or even encourage you mutually to apply what you know through these experiences which are still in front of you.
However given the fact that you will work with your consciousness, your individual experiences and the relevant learning takes place inside of you as an individual first. The space it takes in order that this can be grasped, integrated, owned by you and added to your personal library, so to speak, has to have your first attention and needs kind of priority space timewise, too. Sometimes it is smart to not talk and interact immediately with others.
Q: If people cannot reserve the time slot; each Wednesday 6pm CET, 9aM PST or miss one webinar because of important other obligations, how could they stay on track?
A: You will not have to miss a thing, because the webinars will be recorded and be accessible for you as registered member of this special and most competent worldwide group in the library of our website. You will receive a link which is only for you.
Regular access
12 online sessions of 2.5 hours each; Each session builds on the other and are recorded in case you miss one. You also can pay with Venmo for US $ - please choose manual payment in that case.
$1,099.00Sale ended